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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Something Else Got Activated…

When Professor Moshimo and Tommy were working out the kinks in the superactivation belt, they discovered some… new side effects they weren’t expecting. First came the super-activated musculature option, and while the professor thought it could be adverse, Tommy didn’t mind. Then
Tommy discovered the super-activated libido that comes with it…

Let’s just say I don’t think Tommy will mind anytime soon. Plus, everything seems to be working out just fine anyway…

Technically, this is the first NSFW art I've put up using this handle. I'm a little rusty at phallic anatomy at this point, so if something looks off, that's why. But I did try for it.

Open to any other ideas you guys might have for this that I haven't thought of. Just stick 'em in the comments.

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