And a new adventure begins! This one will probably look a little weird or inconsistent in progress, as I actually did the sequence backwards, from biggest result to smallest. It was probably a weird way to go about it but I felt it could have helped keep the number of stages in the sequence relatively in line, rather than each successive part being “how much bigger can I make him?” Although I do have further sequences planned which will be in the small-to-big drawing order.
This sequence (and likely all the others I have planned) probably won’t be shaded so I don’t get hung up in doing that versus actually getting the sequence done.
(This was posted on May 19, 2022; it's been backdated to display the original posting time of the last part of the sequence.)
1/14. Gravity Falls is home to many secrets. One of them is hidden deep within the forest. Hidden amongst the blue and pink growth crystals are a more special variety that, when used properly, can increase the masculine power of any individual. Rumor has it the Manotaurs got addicted to the potency of the gems and that’s how they came to be.
Dipper Pines hasn’t felt so great on his return trip to Gravity Falls. Despite being a town hero for things they’ll never talk about again, he was starting to feel a little small; he was still striking out with Wendy, and Mabel was well-loved by just about everyone.
Feeling down about his seeming lack of prowess, he went off into the forest, and rediscovered the height-altering crystals. However, tucked away beyond them was something Dipper had never noticed before; a mysterious area of crystals reflecting green and purple light. Seeing no animals around which the effects could be easily seen on, and curious about the new find, there was only one way he could find out what the crystals did – testing them on himself. Dipper took out his old height-altering flashlight, broke off a similarly-sized green-and-purple-reflecting crystal, and swapped it in.

2/14. As Dipper began to bathe in the green light, he was initially puzzled by what it was doing to his body, as newfound pecs began to protrude out of his tightening shirt, his arms began to firm, and his legs started to thicken.
3/14. As Dipper continued to grow, his confusion turned to surprise as his clothes were beginning to tear themselves apart under the stress of Dipper’s bulking frame. As his jacket tore in the back, its remnants continuing to constrict his growing arms, Dipper’s pecs continued to pull the collar of his shirt forward and apart. His shorts were no match for his thickening legs, while his bulge had stretched into a stiffy inside his underpants. Dipper was trying to figure out how the light could have affected his hormones, but it seemed he couldn’t think fast enough…
Deciding on what point was big enough to switch from the underwear intermediate to a full-on nude (y’know, for decency) was tough, and arguably I could’ve waited another round, but maybe that’s just because of the process of how I ended up drawing it. But it is in the little story description I’m writing at this point. And it’ll be in the rest of the blog-side versions of this sequence as well.

4/14. With his clothing now effectively shredded, Dipper’s concerns seem to have been consumed by a newfound interest in his growing body. His excited and amplified hormones had won out against his murmuring logical side. As the growth continued, Dipper’s expanding legs were pleased to support his increased height. Between his meatier arms, he was packing a full shelf of firm, washboard six-pack abs and a pair of expanding pecs that were already protruding a few inches off his chest. And speaking of inches, Dipper was becoming especially proud of his continuing hard-on, which he guessed had to be at least eight or nine inches long now. With Dipper’s brain and body immersed in beefed-up pleasure, it didn’t seem that Dipper wanted to leave the muscle-makng glow of the crystal’s light anytime soon.
Alright, now we’ve gotten into the format for the rest of the sequence; the “SFW” underwear version plus a softy and a stiffy. It just felt wrong to do it this way all the way down because around this point, going backwards, it becomes too unimportant to be interesting (even though I did it anyway, for continuity’s sake, given I had done it all the way up to this point). Dipper’s gotten his first growth spurt here, which I’m sure will help lessen that big height difference between him and Wendy. But how much bigger is Dipper going to go?…

5/14. Dipper’s build continued to thicken as he grew even taller in front of the light. Feelings of power surged through him as his pecs continued to expand outward from his chest, his abs following them. His meaty biceps and triceps proved impressive as the last of even his deepest concerns about how he would explain his sudden grwth melted away, turning into thoughts about flexing those biceps and how to show off his new physique. He pondered, in an unusual fake seriousness, how his quads and calves had become less like pine trees and more like oaks. Though one part of his body that still resembled a pine tree was his mighty member, which was surely approaching twelve inches by now. All Dipper could think about was how impressive, amazing, and stunning his newly-developing body was, and how much bigger the crystal could make him. Could he grow stronger than Stan and Ford? Could he compete with Manly Dan? Perhaps even impress the Manotaurs?
On that note, if Dipper is squaring off against manliness right now, Dipper is clearly winning.
6/14. Dipper’s frame broadens as his pecs begin to round out, protruding further from his chest. His stance widens as his quads and calves bulk further, making room for “little Dipper” whose weight appears to be starting to pull his underwear down. Dipper’s expanding arms complete the package as he grows ever stronger and ever more built…

7/14. Dipper’s pecs have truly begun to balloon at this point, as his neck begins to thicken and traps start to rise off of his shoulders. Dipper’s abs swell beynd their former brick-like confines as they jostle for space on his stomach. His biceps and triceps grow a few more inches as his firm, expanding legs continue to cement his frame on the grass. Dipper has found a unique and relentless pleasure from growing this big; testosterone and hormones chugging through his veins, and pounds of pure muscle mass expanding his frame and giving him levels of strength and raw power he could only have fantasized about. Soon enough, surely washing away his wimpy woes will be no contest. And Wendy will definitely be wild for his sixteen-inch wood, which is only getting bigger and more enticing by the second…

8/14. Dipper rises a few more inches as his pecs and abs continue to round out as they grow larger, and Dipper’s swelling biceps become watermelons of their own. A potential adversity to all this amazing growth is that it seems the weight and girth of Dipper’s footlong-soft dick is pulling down his underwear. But who cares for modesty when you’ve got a 19-inch hot rod you can show off?

9/14. Dipper’s continued use of the green side of the new crystal seems to have resulted in another growth spurt. Traps finally began to rise from his shoulders,while his neck broadened as an Adam’s apple became prominent, currently hiding behind the chin of his unchanged face. Dipper’s pecs had clearly swelled to watermelon dimensions at this point, developing into a size akin to prize-winners at state fairs. Dipper’s arms seemed to explode with pounds of new muscle, while in contrast his legs only bulged further, confirming his strong, sturdy stance on the grass. The fact that most of the growth of the past few minutes had come to his broadened shoulders and increased arms and chest made Dipper appear a little top-heavy, but there was definitely something happening on his bottom half too, as his now irresistible member jutted out proudly at twenty-two and a half inches, begging to touch the two feet mark. How he knew those specifics was a mystery he had no urgency to solve.
Initially I wasn’t going to post this with the usual description of Dipper’s growing body, but I changed my mind at the very last second and did it anyway. And man, was that a good decision. The DeviantArt version of this post actually has a slightly different description than this blog one (greater than “I left out the size of his cock”, like it usually is), so go over and check that alternate ending out if you want.

10/14. Dipper’s new massive body continues to build itself in a satisfying fashion; his pecs continue to swell outward into two impressively thick mounds of muscle, and an additional row of abdominals begins to emerge from his stomach. Dipper’s neck and traps further flare upward and outward, adding to the appearance of enormity that his new body possesses. His arms and legs filled in the “watermelon” category his pecs previously occupied; every muscle and fiber continuing to bulge outward, as if at some point it would all escape his massive frame. There would be little reason to escape, however, from the ginormous size of Dipper’s steadily-thickening 26″ tool, supported by hyper-activated balls that had surely grown to size of melons by now, amplifying the irresistible hormones charging through his body.

11/14. Dipper continues to pile on muscle as his body is further enhanced. His traps rise higher to give a clearer view of his expanding neck. Dipper’s pecs continue to jut progressively further outward from his chest, increasing in size to proportions enviable to any strong, muscular man in town; his frame, shoulders, and stance expanding slightly outward to accommodate. Though little has changed to his arms and his legs have only lengthened slightly, the fourth row of abs Dipper is developing have finally fully formed; and below them, his underpants are struggling to contain his massively upgraded monster cock, which has now increased in girth by several inches, and in length to an impressive thirty inches long. Dipper’s usually rational mind has long since washed away in the sheer levels of pleasure he has been experiencing through the growth crystals. While his brain is still as sharp as it ever was, his body, now far more interesting to the eyes, has caught more and more of his attention. Dipper began to ponder what he should do with his new gargantuan dimensions once he got back to the Mystery Shack: see if he could pec-pop, or try and wrap his hands around his massive member, a mega-shaft worthy of this mega-muscular man?

12/14. Dipper’s growth continues, as he develops a stellar muscular body that he didn’t know he wanted until he got it. His frame experiences another growth spurt, chiseling his upper body into that envy-inducing V-shape as his pecs bloom out a little further. The eight-pack abs Dipper now sereves as the proud owner of tighten and expand along his stomach. His neck and traps realign themselves with Dipper’s broader shoulders, increasing in width and size, respectively. His arms and legs expand slightly, while his widened stance makes way for the growing thirty-six inch cock below, which has undergone an impressive increase in length and girth. It was a shame that Gravity Falls was so far away from a beach, thought Dipper, his mind consumed by, and almost solely focused on, the almost perfect example of masculinity it was now residing in. He would be a very attractive sight. Perhaps simply impressing the more physically-inclined locals of the sleepy town – and Wendy – would have to do…
13/14. Dipper shot up taller, the outward growth seeming to slow down; although his pecs seemed to be among the exceptions. Dipper couldn’t think of a reason why that would be happening, but upon that thought, he began to consider turning the flashlight off; he had grown to such a size by now he’d be pleased with it for a while. And besides, there wasn’t a lot of room left before Dipper reached some kind of giant territory, was there? Perhaps his rational mind was returning to him, as the growth-fueled excitement wore off. There would be much excitement, however, fueled by his 43-inch-hard cock, powered by churning balls likely the size of someone’s head by now.

14/14. The crystal, amplified through the flashlight, gave Dipper one last jolt of muscle growth, perfecting his physique to proportions that would inspire references to classical epitomes of strength and beauty. And probably a lot of more modern comments, as well – “That dude’s jacked!”, “Man, that’s hot”, or “I want a body like that” all fit.
Dipper soon turned off the flashlight, and stood in awe at his new musculature: a multiple-fold increase in height, and explosion of perfectly-cut muscles, including bulging biceps, thick traps, a washboard eight-pack of brick-like abs, and firm, strong legs that carry it all effortlessly. Not to mention a hulking, 45-inch-long dick that was a foot thick around and could probably coat a room in layers of thick, potent sperm. Dipper was now pleasing, attractive eye candy for guys and girls alike; inspiring glaring envy and deep, irresistible lust in folks wherever he went. And he had barely touched the surface of the intriguing mysteries this new body could hold for him…