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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Jockifier

New from Fenton Works: the Jockifier. An easy way to get that perfect body for back-to-school. An unusual invention from them, but the Fentons’ son, Danny, had a very big hand in the development of the device. Even more unusual, his parents noted, was his personal eagerness to try it out.

Parts of the concept were ripped blatantly (at least in my opinion, as the artist) from this TF TG sequence made by Amethyst-Ocean on DeviantArt. I really liked the opening frames and felt they had potential, so I gave them my personal MGTF touch. Once I had the bodies down (it’s basically drawing five separate images, in a way) I decided to go nuts on the design, with multiple clothing styles and even a face change and a hairstyle change (to my own artistic representation of the one belonging to the jocked-up Danny described as a “mixture of Danny and Dash” in Danny Jockdom 8 – I haven’t fully decided on it as it was originally meant to be introduced in the giant Danny set with a lot of variants which I have teased for a while now but haven’t put out, so I wouldn’t say it’s final).

First time drawing a single-image muscle growth transformation sequence where the character actually undergoes a physical change; one could argue for Jocksuits, of course, but I won’t.

The concept and much of the work on this is months old now, but now that this is done, I’m thinking about doing a V2 of this where he really bulks up, ‘cause I feel I could go more all-out.