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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

First Down and Plenty of Inches

There are perks to being the top jock of Casper High; for one, most of the faculty look the other way and let you do pretty much whatever you want, like strutting onto the field on a sunny weekend afternoon with nearly no clothes on. As Danny gloats in his prowess, Paulina is showing him a different kind of 'touch down' so they can get to a kind of 'end zone' they've come to know well. 


I did quite a few things different for this piece. Danny's got a tan, for one. There's also considerable shading, shockingly. And there's a lady in the picture, which is something I've been trying to do more often (apologies to my gay audience; feel free to imagine someone else there). Quite a lot of changes hitting at once, but the beef stays largely the same.

Enjoy the studlier versions as well; one with Danny having a squarer jaw and the other a Danny Jockdom/'Dash' Fenton version.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Danny (and Sam) on the Grind

You know what they say when it comes to athletes, "The grind never stops". After practice, that adage takes on a whole different meaning...

I've been trying to tweaking things as of late; my art's been improving somewhat as I keep more things in mind. Notably here, the highlights on Danny's hair aren't just a basic gray anymore. (Though I don't believe I took the time to fix that on Sam...)

After I finished up the base set, my brain got to wandering and I wondered if I could make Danny bigger. So I did. and thus you get to see the multiple larger-sized versions. The last one I decided to be a Danny Jockdom-flavored edit, and given this was a side profile, I had to figure out what that looked like on him. I couldn't really decide between the two jaws, the first more Dash-esque and the other a somewhat unrealistic rendering of the entire jaw in the same manner as Danny's normal chin, so you get both options to look at. Maybe the comments can weigh things out for me.

...Buuuuut I'm still too lazy to do a background or shade, at least on this image. However, I've got another one lying in wait where I happen to do both...

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Jock Danny Edit #4: Doubles in the Dark

“Awww, why don’t I get to be super-buff as a ghost?” 
- “I don’t know – I’m just your duplicate, remember? You only make me when you’re worried that people are going to find out that you’re – we’re Danny Phantom.” 
“Yeah, but I’m buff now! Can’t you be buff too?” 
- “It would be cool, and yes, I would love it, but think about it like this: no one’s going to suspect you, a hulking jock, to be me, a skinny superhero. It’s like an extra layer of identity protection.” 
“Yeah, but it would still be nice if you could be as buff as me.” 
- “Can we just focus on what we’re looking for?”

This is a very weird edit, and not just because if I were actually drawing it they’d both be plenty buff. This was originally an image involving Danny and Dash, of course, from the episode “Micro Management”. I’m sure if this situation were real and Danny could manage a human duplicate of himself at close distance, his life would’ve been a little bit easier. 

Not making a 'bigger' edit of this one as I've done (and plan to do) for others in this set, as working around that glowing light coming from Phantom's right hand would be a nightmare.

Original here, though I sent my copy through waifu2x before editing it to enlarge it to a decent size.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Jock Danny Edit #3: Daytime Doozy

“Let’s not talk about what we did last night…” 

I'm back with more art, and in this case I'm continuing my branch of screencap edits focusing on a particularly built Danny.

Original here, though I sent my copy through waifu2x before editing it to enlarge it to a decent size.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Danny and his lucky ladies

What can I say? A stud like Danny here gets his pick of the litter. And they're clearly more than eager to get a piece of him...

Since late last year, I've been trying to expand my repertoire and start drawing some ladies in my work. It probably kills some preconceptions for a lot of you, and might be a turn-off for some. I have included a solo version for the sake of those who'd like to see this studly Danny all by himself.

Also I was super-into hard underwear bulges at the time I made this, so I tried my hand at that too.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Danny's Rude Awakening

Danny's not exactly a morning person. However, one big part of him is...

A muscular reimagining of an older smut piece of Danny having some serious morning wood.