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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

First Down and Plenty of Inches

There are perks to being the top jock of Casper High; for one, most of the faculty look the other way and let you do pretty much whatever you want, like strutting onto the field on a sunny weekend afternoon with nearly no clothes on. As Danny gloats in his prowess, Paulina is showing him a different kind of 'touch down' so they can get to a kind of 'end zone' they've come to know well. 


I did quite a few things different for this piece. Danny's got a tan, for one. There's also considerable shading, shockingly. And there's a lady in the picture, which is something I've been trying to do more often (apologies to my gay audience; feel free to imagine someone else there). Quite a lot of changes hitting at once, but the beef stays largely the same.

Enjoy the studlier versions as well; one with Danny having a squarer jaw and the other a Danny Jockdom/'Dash' Fenton version.