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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Larger and very much in charge (B #1)

Danny enjoyed the power the ghost jock had given him, but soon enough he got curious; he wanted more power. The ghost was easily willing to cooperate. Danny felt his body start to expand; biceps bulging, legs swelling, his six-pack turning into an eight. Danny’s outfit, already expanded to fit his former frame, weren’t expanding with him this time. This only increased the pleasure Danny was experiencing; even up to the point of arousal “downstairs”. His package was expanding the previously noticeable bulge in Danny’s jeans; already breaking at their seams thanks to Danny’s growing legs. His shirt was tightening around his expanding chest, and Danny could feel what was going to happen next. His T-shirt burst open, his pecs single-handedly splitting the garment down the middle. Soon after, Danny’s growth stopped, but he felt more energized thanks to the new power coursing through him…


Someone requested a bigger version of Danny, so as a believer that there’s no such thing as too big, I had to oblige. It was a bit of a challenge; I’m still trying to find a good balance between lines and shading, mainly on the clothes (if anyone with experience in this area has some tips I’d be happy to hear them) but I think I managed.

So what is a budding muscle artist to do with an okay muscle growth image? Make it bigger, duh! Did a bit of a redraw of it and blew Danny up to even bigger proportions. 

(This was posted on May 18, 2022; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

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