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Saturday, December 18, 2021

Screencap Edit #9: I *Am* Happy To See You

Another one of those canon scenes from the show that's just begging for an edit. 

A now-defunct DeviantArt user who went by BluesyMammal(some jumble of numbers) did some muscular Danny art that drew over poses from the show, which I think inadvertently fueled this.

Original screenshot here; I sent it through waifu2x to blow it up to a reasonable size.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Casper High Wrestling Tryouts

Dash Baxter, already football captain and the school's best-performing jock, was a shoo-in to become the newest star on Casper High's ascendant wrestling team. Until Danny Fenton (and some convenient ghost powers) got to him, that is. Sucking every ounce of hard-earned muscle (and then some) out of your (soon to be former) bully was a sickeningly sweet comeuppance; almost more satisfying than feeling every part of your body grow, muscles you've never known before swelling and hardening to unbelievable proportions. The package below the belt multiplying in size to super-stud proportions was an unexpected bonus, not that he'll ever complain.
But it was too late for Dash to cancel, so everyone got the sight that afternoon of a wimpy, defeated runt -- and the school's newest musclebound hunk. Even the football team won't want him back now.

The first completed piece of art to come out of the new art program I got a few months back; I'm still getting used to some of the ropes but I think there's a lot of potential in it. Also my first piece of art in a long time, which is a shame because I've gotten so many ideas and inspirations lately. But my brain seems to work faster than my hands...
The story is a bit of a last-minute addition to the piece, really; what other ways do you think these two could've ended up like this?

Skimped on the variants this time because I just wasn't feeling like putting in my usual amount of diligence in that regard, so there are only a few extra bits to see here.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Powerful Pines

He’s not just the alpha twin now – Dipper’s the alpha male.

It’s been an eternity since I’ve last posted a Dipper. (Two and a half years, but same difference.) I was inspired to do quite a few things differently on this one; the chest and abs are done in a different manner to my usual, plus the image is fully shaded (a rarity for me). I've been playing around with line weight in my stuff as well recently; a new thing for me but likely a basic for most other artists. It takes a little extra forethought, but I feel it's really helped make the few images I've worked on where I've used it more faithful to the art styles of the characters in question.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Total Package Action

The Codester returns, back to play in another surprise-filled season of Total Drama. Though things have certainly changed for Cody since the last time he was on TV, and I have a feeling he’ll have a much better shot at that grand prize this season…

Shocker! I’ve drawn someone besides Danny. Pretty much zero muscle art of Cody exists (well, besides the previous times I did it) so I grabbed my motivation and did this.

Full disclosure, this is unrelated to the recently-announced Total Drama revival; it'd be a miracle if I made art to be topically relevant.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Ghost (and) Ride (Alt set 3)

The final alt of Ghost (and) Ride -- Danny Phantom gets to show some chin and some skin. I kept the tank black because I'm both lazy and find it sexy.

Ultimately inspired by this piece from @ectoranium on DeviantArt.