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Saturday, March 12, 2022

Phantom Power

When Danny woke up in the middle of the night, he didn't know what was going on. A powerful force had jolted him awake. His ghost powers seemed to be going haywire, but there was nothing he could do to stop them. Then he felt it: the raw power pulsing through his veins, energizing his whole body. His muscles exploding, growing three, five, seemingly ten times their size. Definitely bigger than Dash... maybe any other man in Amity Park. But the most shocking part of all was after his pecs blew up into a shelf, his arms swelled with powerful biceps and eight chiseled abs etched into his stomach -- Danny's cock hardened and multiplied in size, thickening into a massive member, the biggest he had ever seen. As his testicles swelled, hot fresh semen churning inside and a rush of potent testosterone flooding his senses, the sudden mixture of power and pleasure overcame him.

Started this one a while back; wanted to do a bit more with definition and shading/effects, as well as being in the mood for a bigger Danny than my usual.

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