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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Total Drama: Reinvention of the Island

The producers of the Total Drama franchise had a crazy idea for the new season – why not take the existing characters fans know and love, and switch around their “styles” a little bit? A few months, trial and error, and some questionable genetic experiments later, they’re ready to change their first subject – er, “new contestant”. And who better to start with than Cody, the striving-to-be-slick nerd who could use a bump in his “ladies’ man” cred? So, take some of Alejandro’s charm and a lot more of his body (I have a feeling people are going to see through that guy's tricks this season!), and you’ve got one heck of a new competitor who’ll be familiar, but very different – and I’m sure Cody won’t mind the changes at all…

I never watched the Total Drama series, but for some reason, I’m attracted to Cody as a great recipient of my not-yet-famous “sweet muscular redemption”. I have absolutely no clue why. Maybe it’s because he’s so scrawny? Not to mention I had no idea about his personality until I had to look it up so I could write this description. I'm sure you guys can tell me if I’m starting to develop a “type” or anything.

I've been trying to put up something new around here for a little while, so I decided to finish up this one today. Probably what's held this one up is getting the bulge done as well as the background I was planning on, which probably took more time than redesigning the base I've already used previously.

Plus, what's a reality show if not for people being radically different from how they usually are? I'm taking some art and design suggestions on this here Cody in the comments (here or on dA) or messages on DeviantArt. I might have an idea or two myself, but you guys might be a little more "creative" with him than me. Feel free to go nuts with this one -- I know there's a bit of a fandom out there.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The X-Rated G-Man

Although his "hardware" is not as big as the set Tommy has, given that Tommy designed the erectile enhancements himself with the intention on using it only for himself, the parameters given to the belt to "super-activate" the male genitalia still gave Gus a lot to work with.

Here are the three NSFW versions of the Gus set, thus completing my run through Robotboy images at least for now. I tried to sort of keep things in my usual wheelhouse, but given that Gus wasn't the character I was focusing on for this series (that being Tommy), I had to ensure Gus' junk was less impressive. In hindsight, I should've made the package much smaller than I ultimately did, as there's not enough size contrast, in my opinion. I didn't do a lot with the musclegut as I didn't really know how to make that one work with the hard version of the pic (an added layer of complexity versus the Tommy images).

The Super-Duper G-Man (belt-free version)

And it only got better once Gus also found out the effects stayed after you took the belt off. Sometimes Tommy is just too good. Though I'm sure when his buff, built body comes back home from showing off somewhere, he will not be happy at all with what Gus has done. I guess there's only room for one brawny bro in this town, and Gus isn't it.

Last of the three SFW images in this set.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Super-Duper G-Man

After a little bit of tweaking with the superactivation belt (namely, more banging on it than anyone, especially Tommy, would've found acceptable), Gus managed to glitch out the belt so that it gave him the carved, muscular physique he thought he deserved.

Second part of the three-part SFW half of the Gus pics, this one being the one more "in line" with my usual style (and more directly derived from the base I've been using for both sets of Robotboy pics).