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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Danny and Randy

Part 1 of a series

So somewhat recently, I’ve seen a few, more yaoi-oriented pictures involving Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom and Randy Cunningham from Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. In all of them, it appears that Danny’s “taken the lead” between them. Personally, I disagree, and think that both of them can play “leading lads”, so I decided to whip up this little number featuring the both of them. (This is the second set of images involving Danny in some way, and while I have had something involving Randy in the works for years, even before I started posting in to dA in earnest, this just happened to come first.) 
So here are Danny Fenton and Randy Cunningham, top jocks of their respective high schools, meeting up at the gym by chance. Both of them have built impressive physiques, and both of them are packing heat in their pants for all intrigued to see. 
Like the big Danny set way back when, I’m taking suggestions as to what you’d like to see here. Perhaps different body features, outfits, archetypes? I’ve got a few ideas of my own already, but feel free to comment if you have some too; maybe I’ll do something with them.

This was finished up back in February when I was posting the Cody pics here on Tumblr. There will be two NSFW versions coming, ultimately; I wanted to do it a certain way but then forgot when I exported the images, but then decided ultimately to just post both versions ‘cause they’ll be going here anyway and I don’t need to worry about some of the specifics that go into posts on DeviantArt.</p>

(This was posted on January 12, 2021; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

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