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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Jock Danny Edit #2a: Looking Good

“I look good like this…”

By far one of my favorite screencaps that I’ve been meaning to do something with (either a redraw or an edit like this, possibly both) for a while. It is a bit of a challenge to do, given the mirror and having to work out both angles. I think I did pretty well on it though. Buffer version coming eventually, because it doesn't deserve to not have one. (Like come on, it's begging for it.)

Original here, though I sent my copy through waifu2x before editing it to enlarge it to a decent size.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Jock Danny Edit #1a: Breaking The New Body In

Kwan: “Hey, you’re already getting used to that body!”
Danny: “Thanks! I just feel so powerful, you know?”
Kwan: “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

I liked the ideas set in motion by screencap edits #2a and #2b so much that I decided to try my hand at making them a separate edit series. This edit came out pretty well. There's a 'bigger' version of this edit in the works (like #2b) but getting that done was holding this one up, so I decided to just start with the basic ones first.

I’ll let you guys decide in the comments as to how exactly Danny got so buff, and how Kwan knows about it.

Original here, but I sent it through waifu2x before editing it.