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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Screencap Edit #1a: Not So Junior Anymore

I knew someday my artistic motivation would be reduced to screencap edits.
Sent in by coolhegey8132 on Tumblr, Dwayne Junior from the Total Drama franchise. Not my favorite of the bunch (that’d be Cody) but still in the running for some buffing.
First time playing all that much with line weight, in a bid to keep it on-style, but this was a little more of a challenge than I thought it would be.
Will have to get to the “taller” variant I promised him another time – by the time I finished this half of it I just wanted to put it out.
Original here. Would’ve liked a bigger image but that was all I got sent.

I am taking screencap edit requests, like I do for my regular art, and I already have gotten a few in, so feel free to throw one my way. My usual request guidelines apply – if I like your idea, I’ll do it, but no guarantees on a timeframe. The bigger and clearer the image on these, the better, as I export these at the same size I get them in and it’ll give you a better-quality image back.

For the record, the timing (and relative tameness) of this isn’t related in any way to the grand Tumblr purge that’s happened this week; I’ll be here posting big beef and big meat until they kick me off here. (And it’s not like too many people are going to see this anyway). This just happened to be a tame posting week.

(This was posted on December 28, 2018; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Gook Whoops

It took a lot of testing to perfect Jocksuits to the standard you see them at today. We’re pretty sure we contained all the defective beta product though.

Another spoiler of the aforementioned bigger art in progress (this one moreso than the last one) because I already have the base down. Had an idea to play with the concept of goop in the terms of Danny’s hair, because, come on, it hangs down like that. Also probably the first truly SFW image I’ve done in a long time.

(This was posted on December 30, 2018; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Return of Tommy Turner

After the success Timmy had with his first Jocksuit order, Timmy was interested in getting some of them, to create various new, beefy personas. The first creation on the list? Enter Tommy Turner; Timmy’s “older brother”, if anyone asks. But gone are those pesky “good intentions” and “responsibilities” (and especially that planned trip to Tibecuador); this Tommy’s a chip off his younger block. Sneaking into high school and playing it cool, Tommy’s about to become very popular, for very different reasons.

Came up with this while working on A Little More Than Magic. And I came up with another idea while I was working on this, so the cycle continues. I was already planning on doing an image involving the actual Tommy Turner, but I decided given I was in a Jocksuits kinda mood, and by the most general explanation, he checks the boxes to be a jock, so it was easy to devise this repurposing of him. I’d be open to doing more with this idea, honestly.

(This was posted on December 30, 2018; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Saturday, September 22, 2018

A Little More Than Magic

After hearing of the amazing new creation of Jocksuits, Timmy just had to have one. A quick wish to configure his Jocksuit and Timmy now had effortless, reversible access to his beefier, studlier persona as Norwegian supermodel Gah. And now he was even studlier, beefier, and super-er a model than before. Perhaps if he blew the secret, Timmy could have his way with Vicky…

Requested by Reshirblade on DeviantArt, who has an affinity for Timmy and Gah. Probably long overdue by this point. I am deeply aware that that stage-one Timmy looks atrocious, but it was really tough to adapt that, even partially, to a usable style akin to what I usually work with. Plus I kinda had trouble grappling with the bigger height difference involved as well. Hope it’s still on par with the original anyway.

(This was posted on December 30, 2018; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Friday, September 14, 2018

Partly Appealing

The ever-popular Jocksuits are now available in partial configurations to suit more users’ needs (or wants). Swap out an arm or a leg… or perhaps pick another appendage to enhance. All the new parts come with the same features you love from full-body Jocksuits. Here’s always-eager tester Danny playing with his customized version of the new product: parts reminiscent of someone enviable he knows…

Had this idea on my way home earlier in the week. In addition to muscle, I’ve also developed an affinity for hyper-cock, among other things, and the size difference usually present in hyper-cock art – average-looking joes suddenly endowed with horse-sized equipment – makes the situation even hotter in my eyes. My usual semblance of muscle is largely absent on this one in favor of staying true to the idea. Additionally, this is a chop-up of some future art (in progress; there are variants and shading I’d like to have done) because when inspiration strikes I usually don’t have time to sit through drawing an entire body.

I’ve got plenty of art backlogged in progress and yet I decide to do an entirely new concept instead. I don’t know if I’m ever gonna get back to those, or get back to posting regularly given things are busier in my life now, but I guess we’ll have to see.

(This was posted on December 30, 2018; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Phantom Poser

Inspired by a very compromising image of Danny I found through Tumblr recently, I decided to do another version of the “Hiding in Plain Sight” set featuring some very tight speedo-esque shorts.

I haven’t really been all that inspired to do art lately, so the fact that I’ve managed two posts this week is a surprise, even if this one is a rehash of an old series with absolutely no real background (I guess just imagine the Ghost Zone or something). Don’t expect any more regularity anytime soon as the fall beckons to consume all my time.

(This was posted on March 23, 2019; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Saturday, August 18, 2018

On and Off the Field

When it’s game time, Ron Stoppable delivers an amazing performance on the field, despite his surname. After the game, Ron can deliver a powerful performance in another way…

NSFW version of the Ron pics from previously, finally worked out. I have drawn many a jock, but this is my first time drawing a jockstrap.

(This was posted on March 23, 2019; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Stoppable Heat

It’s been hot here where I am lately, so here’s a hot, uncomfortable Ron. Perhaps there’s a downside to all that beef? …Nah.

Drawn in the midst of a particularly bad heatwave a few weeks ago; finished up yesterday for posting, as I continued to fight myself over shading (which I feel I should do more often but it’s a pain to grapple with personally). This is the teased-about second part of the two Ron images I had in the works; the first was posted a couple weeks ago.

(This was posted on March 23, 2019; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Just because Dipper now has a stunningly-defined, bodybuilder’s dream of a physique doesn’t mean he’s any less nervous about his feelings for Wendy. So maybe he shouldn’t have gone to the pool on a day that Wendy was on duty as lifeguard, given his massively amped-up bod also seriously amped up his hormones…

That’s no pool noodle.

Though perhaps now, Dipper has a way to break the ice about his feelings, and other things…

The pool water on this image looks really garbage to me and it kinda brings down the whole background. Like, to the point where I think you can’t even consider this porn anymore.

There was a Gravity Falls Hunks image somewhat similar to this involving a different character blowing out a condom which I did not intend for this to be set up, visually, so much like.

Also, I don’t know where all these summery smut concepts are coming from (this being the second, the first a variant of the Ron pic last posted I haven’t put up yet), but I guess I might as well while it’s seasonally appropriate.

(This was posted on March 23, 2019; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Saturday, July 14, 2018

That Stoppable Magic

I’m not saying a magical football uniform did turn Ron Stoppable into an all-star football player with a hunk’s body and a rowdy package. But if something like that occurred, it did its job very well.

Dunno why I wanted the football outfit to be “magic”, but that’s what came out of my head and got onto Ron.

NSFW of this is coming, but I’m still trying to figure out some of the specifics on the scenario, so that’ll be another time.

I need to do shading more often, but I just hate doing shading.

(This was posted on March 23, 2019; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Something More Comfortable

After a hard-fought battle against yet another ghost, sometimes all you want to do is just kick back, relax, and release the two hundred pounds of hulking muscle you’ve kept tied up in your suit all night.

…Hey, he likes the easy fights.

Thought it’d be interesting to explore some almost comically mismatched body parts all of a sudden, so I grabbed some things from the Jocksuits pic and made this quickie. I’ve got a much bigger Danny Phantom mega-set sitting in sweet, sweet, export hell, so I wanted to put something up after a couple weeks of radio silence.

If anyone wants to make a less-crappy version of this concept, feel free to knock yourselves out (so long as I get mentioned); I’d love to see how this idea plays out with more than a few hours pumped into it.

(This was posted on March 23, 2019; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Marco Diaz, PHD – Pretty Hung Dude

“Wow, that ‘male enhancement’ spell really did a lot to me… man I’m so hot!… Mmm, and getting bothered by the bigger boner I have now…”

Here, here’s an image for this week

An initially crappy but promising piece of work which began on a night where I wasn’t really inspired. Feels like I’m going lighter on him than my usual shtick, but I guess I can make him bigger as a variant anyway afterward. First time I’ve done shading in a long while, I should really do that more. Also first time approximating on things like the head that I’d usually use reference shots for, so if things look a little off, that’s why. Marco’s mole is intentionally missing though.

(This was posted on March 24, 2019; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Dude, Seriously!… Though, On Second Thought…

“More ecto did not solve the problem, Billy! Although, these firm meaty pecs are kinda hot… and look at that swelling bicep! A super-washboard six-pack, thick, sturdy stunner legs and – whoa, that’s one heck of a bulge. Whoa, is that my cock? It’s boning up so fast, it’s – Ohhhh man! Actually, Billy, I think I’m warming up to this hot body…”

Thanks to Billy’s unconventional help, Spencer Wright was now the owner of a defined, hunky body so buff it would make bodybuilders jealous. A ballooning pair of pecs, a half-dozen rippling, cut abs, bulging biceps and triceps, powerful legs, and an impressive package, which somehow manages to contain an unbelievable dick that’s so large and thick you won’t believe it’s real the first time you see it. Flat against him it almost touches his chin hard…

Apollotalon on DeviantArt wanted him bigger still, and well, there’s no such thing as too big. Plus, it bought a little time to finish up the big muscle growth sequence I’m still working on. That should finally be starting come Wednesday.

Opted to actually make him bigger this time, as size-wise, there was very little further to go on that frame.

(This was posted on March 24, 2019; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Dude… How Much Ecto Did You Put In There?!

Looks like something might’ve gone haywire with the ectoplasm/muscle cream combo, and Spencer’s getting a little bigger than he expected. Once the growth spurt passes and Spencer adjusts to his new size, though, I’m sure he’ll be just fine with it…

Based on a request in the sequence from Apollotalon on DeviantArt. He wanted to see torn clothes and a bigger Spencer, and I was happy to oblige. Tried to do a couple different things here and I’m not sure how well they mesh.

Other last-minute requests notwithstanding, this is going to be the end of the Spencer set. I’m working to get a sequence finished up so I can start posting it this weekend…

(This was posted on March 24, 2019; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)