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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Huge Heroes

Danny and Randy, part 4

It’s no secret that fighting bad guys is good exercise. Danny and Randy – err, Danny Phantom and the Ninja – happen to know just how good it is…

Honestly, none of the images in this set should come off as too much of a surprise; like with other sets I’ve done, I’ve opted to leave the crazier ideas out to fans and followers. I’ve gotten a few such ideas, which I don’t know if I’ll have done before this initial run finishes – though I haven’t forgotten about them and I do plan on doing any of the ones I’ve said I’m interested in.

Speaking of those, I’m still taking suggestions as to what you’d like to see here. Perhaps different body features, outfits, archetypes? I’ve got a few ideas of my own already, but feel free to comment if you have some too; maybe I’ll do something with them. 

(This was posted on January 12, 2021; it's been backdated to display the original posting time.)

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